Saturday, 21 February 2015

Running High - Chapter 3

She tuned into the familiar sound her runners made hitting the  pavement. It was just after 9 am on a weekday and it was her day off.

She’d driven to the wetlands close to her home. It was peaceful since this time of day, life occupied many at school, business or with kiddie care, while retirees seemingly were the only people around.

She ran this circuit each week and because it was a flat track she ran it effortlessly, using weights to warm up before running along the windy path.

This circuit was easy, supplementing her regular Sunday run, where she met with racers’ on foot, a cross-section of people, running and sharing unique experiences of pounding their own kind of pavement. They too ran for themselves pushing beyond boundaries to beat their best.

She wasn’t sure the invitation she had extended to Ric to join racer’s on foot would be accepted. She didn’t know if she would see him again and if she did, the most likely place would be at the gym.

She didn’t think too hard about it but simply focused on running today, putting one foot in front of the other. As she ran adjacent to the wetlands, home to a variety of bird life, the croaks of the white faced herons rang out in the still morning air.

There was no wind as she rounded the final bend which precipitated the homeward stretch for her. Her breathing was steady as her feet hit the pavement with consistent regularity. The rhythm made her feel she could sustain the pace for a long time and rightly so since she would have to if she wanted to cross the line at Marseille next year.

Image courtesy of tiverylucky at - girl

Image courtesy of artur84 at - heron



Friday, 13 February 2015

Running High - Chapter 2

Sara’s routine after the encounters with Ric consisted of daily running and working. She wanted to see him again but knew he’d most likely have to show up at the gym if this were to happen.

As if fortune had smiled upon her, Ric did show up a few days later as Sara prepared to take one of her cardio classes. 

Sara greeted Ric as he entered the room. Approaching her, his eyes lingered. They made small talk and Sara asked him where Gayle was. Ric said Gayle decided not to join him and he laughed, patting his midriff explaining he thought he ought to workout.

Together they laughed and the tension in the air was gone. Relaxing, they sensed an easy silence and as the room filled up with people, the moment was broken. Sara stepped away from Ric and said, ‘Let’s do it.’

He quickly moved to the back of the room.

Sara swung into her role skilfully turning the music on and prepping the class by waving her arms above her head and moving her limbs in time to the song’s fast tempo. She forgot about Ric, foreign lands and running as her focus switched to presenting a thorough, well-executed session to the group, who had paid money, as well as given up, often precious time to do the class.

Even so, Sara knew a lot of needs were met at the classes with socialising, weight loss and stress reduction.

Throwing her heart into the class Sara lunged, squatted and moved vigorously, motivating each one of them to dig deep to find that drive to extend their personal boundaries.

With the overhead fans whirring and the air thick with sweat, Sara knew she had done her job and done it well. As she commenced the warm-down sets, people bent down to take sips of water from their drink bottles. As they wiped sweat from their necks, she knew the class had been good.

Sara too gained from the sessions, primarily maintaining fitness. This was important to her since peak fitness would be key in reaching her running goal.

As the class finished and people exited, Ric moved to the front to speak with her.

She smiled, as he lifted his T-shirt as if to get fresh air circulating over his overheated body and commented, ‘You really know how to work it, Sara.’

Sara replied with ‘Yes, I just like to show off, because you are here, Ric.’

He laughed, enjoying her style and in turn asked cheekily, I just might take you up on your offer of showing me some tips to shift weight.’

He smiled as she said, ‘Sure, I’ll show you some.’ She continued with, ‘and I will be kind to you.’

She took a sip of water and the easy silence they experienced earlier, returned.

‘C’mon, I’ll show you some tips now,’ she said, gesturing to Ric.

With that, she had him on his front on the floor in a planking pose, instructing him to raise first one leg towards his chest and then the next for a count of 10 for each leg.

She could hear him groaning but he continued.

When he was finished, she got him to relax while getting a medicine ball.

‘Russian twists,’ she said.

He groaned again, putting his head in his hands as he commented, ‘It sounds like punishment.’

She laughed and he said, ‘You’re enjoying this, aren’t you Sara.’

She replied, ‘Ric, I am getting you into shape,’ and then continued, ‘join me in Marseille, run with me.’

She grabbed the medicine ball and sitting beside him proceeded to move the ball from one side of her body to the next counting to 10. When she was finished she handed him the ball and said, ‘Your turn.’

Ric grabbed the ball and starting on his right side and counted to 10. He paused and then continued, this time on his left side again to a count of 10.

‘Great going,’ said Sara.

She gave him more exercises and talked to him about the marathon, asking again if he wanted to run with her.

In between doing the planking and Russian twists, he said, he’d love to join her but did not know if he would be fit enough.

She laughed and said he had several months to get into shape and said he could join her running group as well.

There was silence, both lost in their own private thoughts. Eventually Ric said, ‘I have to go – I’ll think about the training and ….the marathon.’ He paused and said, ‘It’s a big commitment.’

Sara did not press him and simply replied, ‘Ok.’

He went on, ‘I’ll see you next week, and waved towards the room. He paused and said, ‘and I will look forward to joining you and your group, er I am a novice….’

Smiling Sara, ‘No problem. Ric, you are always welcome.’

They exchanged a sultry embrace and just like the other evening, both went separate ways delighted to have shared another interaction.


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Running High - Chapter 3

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Running High - Chapter 1

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Saturday, 7 February 2015

Running High - Chapter 1

She’d had a busy day after filling in for Toni, taking the private training session alongside her usual, cardio, box fit and stretch classes.

The last thing she felt like doing was grocery shopping but knowing there wasn’t any food in the house motivated her to write a shopping list and without even changing out of her sweats, she made the short trip to the grocery store.

On arrival, she grabbed a trolley and made the familiar journey through the fruits and vege aisles, picking up a hot chicken on the way and continuing on.

She was relieved it wasn’t overly busy. Some nights it was hard going navigating through throngs of people to bag tomatoes, carrots and apples and then manoeuvring the trolley alongside poultry and beef displays where accessing meat was near impossible as shoppers lingered over their selections.

Tonight she had free reign, easily collecting trays of meat from the near deserted displays. She turned smoothly into the spreads aisle picking up peanut butter, Nutella and bread.

Down the next aisle she navigated around stock, workers and ladders and eventually got to the bottles of sparkling water where she grabbed four.

As she approached the margarine section, she recognised the couple ahead of her.

‘Crap,’ she thought, not that she really knew them well, only having seen them in her classes, but if passing, she’d feel obliged to say ‘Hi.’

If not so desperate for margarine, she’d swing right and avoid them but she needed a tub, so instead steered her trolley close to theirs to get to the margarine. Reaching over, she grabbed the nearest one and made a hasty retreat. As she did the male of the pair turned her way and eye contact was inevitable.

‘Hi Ric,’ she said flashing a friendly smile.

His wife behind him, looked up absentmindedly and she said, ‘Hi Gayle.’

Gayle returned a neutral look, almost surprised to hear her name.
Ric laughed and said, ‘Hi, Sara, our fantastic instructor at cardio which we haven’t been to in a while. How are you?’ 

Sara nodded and replied ‘I am well.’   

Without pausing he suddenly launched into a story about a recent visit to Europe, the Middle East and Turkey. He said they’d stayed with a friend, a Charge De Affaire in Istanbul.

Sara said how wonderful and told him how she’d been to see the Water Diviner and the scenery at the Gallipoli Peninsula was amazing and that she’d love to visit.

‘Go,’ said Ric, ‘and you are most welcome to stay with our friend.’
Gayle looked surprised at the sudden invitation.

They talked about the futility of World War One, the land grab of the Ottoman Empire, the slaughter of thousands of soldiers at Gallipoli and how no country truly was a winner.

Once again, he urged Sara, ‘to go, to go and stay with Steele.’ He clarified that was their friend.

‘There’s plenty of room,’ he continued.

Ric went onto tell Sara, Steele had a spacious apartment in Istanbul. Sara’s eyes lit up, intoxicated with images of a foreign land.

Gayle observed her husband’s interaction with Sara, slightly bemused. Perhaps she had good reason since Sara had handsome, Amazonian-like features. She took daily fitness classes and it showed. Her sweats shaped a strong, athletic, and buxom physique.

Despite this Gayle said, ‘Ric, I’ll just go down the end and get a few items.’

‘Ok,’ he said, barely moving his eyes away from Sara. He pointed to a quiet corner near the chocolate milk coolers and they both moved there.

Ric fascinated Sara. Moving easily, he oozed charm. She knew he had European origins and was thrilled when he rolled names off his tongue such as, ‘Steele.’

She listened enthralled as he told stories of living and working across Europe and the Middle East.

They covered a lot of ground in a short space of time and he read her emotions easily conveying what she wanted to hear while delivering his messages sincerely. He was attuned to her and she felt it was as if he had momentarily peered into her soul.

‘Look,’ he said, ‘I must tell you more, but not now. I…I have to go…’
He trailed off and then moved towards her.

‘Meet me here tomorrow, at 6 pm. I want to tell you more, er, I need to tell you more, Sara.’

He paused as if willing her to agree. She nodded silently and he was gone.

Taken aback by the unusual encounter, she collected the last of her items and proceeded to the cashier, desperate not to bump into them again.

Finally, she left the store and arrived home.

She slept fitfully, dreaming about crystal blue coastlines, mixed with disjointed themes and people she did not recognise. Upon awakening, the events of the night before came flooding back to her including the pleas of Ric to meet again.

She got up and remembered she had arranged to meet a friend for a run. She cancelled and debated about meeting Ric at all. She was afraid, afraid of where it might lead, if anywhere. She liked him though. He was older and he gave her what she needed. Anyway, she found him eternally fascinating. She made the excuse she’d need to collect a few items and if he was there, well fine it would be a casual encounter.
Feeling satisfied, she set about enjoying the day.

As the time approached, she nervously grabbed her wallet and left to drive the short distance to the shops. In the store, she casually grabbed a basket and threw in a few items.

As she made her way to the back of the shop, she saw him ahead by the chocolate milk coolers. She approached him and smiling, he greeted her.

‘Sara’, he said, ‘so nice to see you.’ His eyes held hers and he gestured towards the front of the store. ‘Look,’ he said, ‘let me take those few items through for you. I know a lovely cafe not far away.’ He smiled warmly and Sara desperate for a fix, walked with him.
She told him about her work and her dream to compete in one of the marathons in a foreign land, part of the European Summer Marathon Circuit.

He listened excitedly encouraging her to make a side visit to Turkey while there, repeating again she ought to stay with Steele. Better still he said, he could meet her there.  After all, he said, Steele was always inviting him.

He continued, stating he could be her support on the marathon. He said, he knew the region well having worked and lived there most of his life while holidaying often in Provincial France.

Sara paused before speaking. She didn’t like to but she had to ask, ‘Ric, what will Gayle think…’

Her voice trailed off.

He shook his head emphatically and speaking quickly, said, 'You and me, it’s friendship. Gayle will come…both of us will be your support.’
She was silent and then said, ‘Speak with Gayle.’

He nodded and diverted the conversation, asking about her work. She happily told him it was ideal, keeping her fit, especially since she was keen on running, most likely at Marseille. She giggled and said she would show him exercises for his midriff.

He laughed and spoke about his passion for food and wine and said he would love to get some tips from her. They chatted until he knew he had to go. They got up and he walked her back to her car and as they parted he embraced her.

Driving off, she waved goodbye, but she felt a sense of uncertainty as to whether she’d see him again while musing about visiting a foreign land.

Want to read more

Follow this link to Running High - Chapter 2

1 Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono at  - veges

2 Image courtesy of dan at – Mediterranean ocean