Saturday, 30 May 2015

Running High - Chapter 20

Race day dawned. Awakening, Sara looked at the time and seeing it was on her side got up. Opening the curtains, she smiled as the skies foretold clear weather.

She walked around the room and drank a glass of water before stretching. She moved her arms down her legs. Breathing deeply, she performed windmill workouts, touching opposite feet with her hands.

After, she got on the floor and raising her body, using her elbows to support her weight, she held for several seconds before dropping and raising her body again cycling several times through the set.

Getting onto her feet she lurched into a series of scissor kicks and with her mini workout almost complete, Sara finished off with butt kicks.

Knowing energy conservation would be vital in crossing the line today, she joined Ric for a relaxed breakfast after showering and dressing. She felt good but focused, determined to meet any challenges the day might present.

Within walking distance from the hotel, Ric and Sara made their way to the run's registration station weaving through crowds of runners and spectators to finally reach the city's bustling pedestrian district. It was here they joined throngs of runners, all queued and presenting their mandatory fit-to-run medical verifications. This which would seal their place in today's race, a key event in the European Summer’s Marathon Calendar.

Officials called for order as the masses pushed to get their medical certificates verified, names recorded and numbers issued.

Sara and Ric’s alarm at the volume of racers competing intensified as announcements echoed throughout the precinct. The crowds sprawled across the cordoned off streets and grassy verges of the city’s centre.

Either side of the barriers, people gathered pressing close to the run’s thoroughfare so as to get the best possible vantage points and a closer view of those daring enough to participate in today’s event. They would observe well-prepared runners and those whose lack thereof would be their undoing as the race’s challenges would prove overwhelming.

Spectators gathered as fire-eaters extinguished slow burning flames almost as if swallowing marshmallows and the gasps of a few became contagious, rippling through the crowds, itself like wild fire. Musicians entertained, rattling pandeiros and strumming guitars.

People laughed and jostled as singers competed with intermittent announcements echoing across the precinct.

Sara and Ric looked at one another and Ric touched Sara’s arm. Leaning in close, he spoke words of reassurance.

Smiling, Sara shuffled patiently beside him. Finally it was their turn. With their names recorded and medical certificates verified, Sara and Ric were issued with numbers and pins.

Stepping away from the restless line of runners, they fumbled with the possessions, eventually pinning the numbers to one another’s tops.

Relieved the mandatory pre-race component was complete, they walked to the Participants’ Only Zone ready to run when the marshal’s gun signalled its start.

Once inside, Ric and Sara faced a 2x5m white banner, hitched across the city skywalk billowing in the light breeze, emblazoned with the words, START.

Sara looked at Ric who appeared serene. She touched his arm, exclaiming, ‘Ric, we will stay together.’

Smiling, she gently squeezed his arm and their eyes locked as they too joined the masses ready to run the race of their lives.

M People Search For The Hero (Euro'96 finals) 

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Running High - Chapter 21

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Running High - Chapter 19 

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Thursday, 21 May 2015

Running High - Chapter 19

On the way to the airport, she wiped her eyes and Ric looked on. She excused it saying it was the emotional experience visiting Gallipoli. Ric comforted her but it only made it worse as Sara felt she had betrayed Ric.

Once they were airborne, Sara settled down as the views out of the plane distracted her.

Ric, making attempts to get her smiling and unaware of the interaction with Steele patted his stomach and cracked jokes about having a spare tyre. She couldn’t resist his banter and playfully pushed him.

He made noises, making her giggle. She shook her head at the situations she found herself in.

Finally they arrived in the Province and with Ric speaking French was able to direct the driver to their hotel. Sara looked out of the window with her focus now on the finale of their journey.

After checking-in at the hotel, she feigned tiredness and stayed in her room, ordering a meal over dining with Ric. At the time she could see he was hurt but she was lovesick and on top of it all, she felt as if she was toggling between them. With her main focus now on crossing the line in a few days, she couldn't afford to wallow in self-pity. She watched some TV and got an early night. After all, the thought of her long-held goal slipping from reach at this late stage in her journey was unfathomable. 

She had slept soundly and now awake, stretched languidly. Looking forward to the day she got up.

Rummaging through her bag, she found her medical certificate, verifying she was fit to run and having seen Ric's a few days ago, she relaxed confident their plans were on track.

She pulled on her sweats ready to meet Ric for breakfast. The night before they had decided to do a reconnaissance of the circuit. She had gotten maps of the local region from the Concierge and booking accommodation close to the race’s course meant they did not have far to walk to reach the run's route.

Just after 9 am she heard a light tap and Ric calling out her name.

‘Coming,’ she answered.

Opening the door, she was greeted by a smiling Ric.

Together they walked to the breakfast room.

Sara was feeling much better and Ric sensed this. He said she seemed like her old self.

Chatting, she said she was looking forward to their run today.

After breakfast, they made their way outside and headed towards the city's waterways. Sara gave Ric an encouraging look as they pounded a different kind of pavement in a foreign land.

After running 10 kms, Sara stopped. Panting she said. ‘Ric, we’re done. A rest day tomorrow and then we race.’

Breathing rapidly and bending over he nodded.

Sara waved in the direction of a nearby park, saying, ‘Over here, Ric.’

Ric sat on a bench while Sara bought water and together they sat recovering, each lost in their own thoughts.

The following day, Sara slept late, meeting up with Ric for a leisurely breakfast. Conserving energy, they spent the rest of the day by the hotel's pool.

Sara told Ric she would stay with him during the run. After all, she said, ‘crossing the line together will round the trip off.’

She touched his arm and said she was lucky to have him here.

Smiling he said, ‘yes.’

Neither spoke about Gayle or Steele nor their strong feelings for each other - the forbidden love they wrestled with.

Sara sighed and said she was going to her room but would see him later at dinner.

She touched his arm again and her hand fell away. She left it there for a few moments before getting up.

He watched her, and could not deny his love. Distracting himself he dived headfirst into the pool, swimming vigorously.

Sheppard on board the 112 performing Geronimo!

FoxFMMelbourne - Australian Band - reached number 1 on the Australian Singles Chart in April 2014

 Image courtesy of dan FreeDigitalPhotos - image 1 (Marseille)

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici FreeDigitalPhotos   - image 2 (swimmer)

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Running High - Chapter 20

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Running High - Chapter 18

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Running High - Chapter 18

Their time in Istanbul was over. Today they would fly to Marseille. This would give Sara and Ric 3 days before the race.

Sara’s boundaries while in Istanbul were extended, especially when visiting Gallipoli where her ancestors had fought and died. In many ways she had reconnected with her own heritage. She wasn’t sure what this meant but perhaps the future would make this clearer for her somehow in her actions or the decisions she made. She’d gained knowledge about herself too, her good and not so good traits such as her tendency to fall easily in love. She mused on this as she recognised such traits came with inherent dangers, some of which she’d already encountered.

As well, she realised her choices in men depended upon their willingness to offer her the unconditional emotional support she craved. She wondered if this deal breaker had been what had held her back from settling into a long-term commitment.

If nothing else from this journey she wanted that she could be more the master of her emotional life and not be constantly at its mercy, like a boat being rocked around in stormy seas.

She sighed thinking about the past 6 months and her fascination with Ric. One of the reasons she loved him was he met her emotional needs unconditionally.

For now her mind was focused on the run and sharing it with him. After all, it had been an unusual encounter which had not only brought them together but had seen them travel to a foreign land on the other side of the world. No mean feat really. As well, she thought about how far they both had really travelled personally. She wanted to savour it and have him by her side, crossing the finishing line together.

She picked up her pack and went downstairs to say her farewells to Steele.

There was no one around when she went downstairs. Putting her pack down, she made her way outside. Admiring the pool she headed towards the grassy knoll to take a final look across the Aegean Sea.

As she rounded the corner of the building, Steele saw her and called out.

‘Hi,’ he said as he walked towards her. ‘I was just checking the meter as Abdi said there had been a power surge.’

Sara said, ‘I was just going to take one final look over the ocean.’

Their eyes held for a second. Steele took her arm and said, ‘Come, Sara let me show you a great vantage point.’

Together they walked towards the grassy knoll and over its crest was a headland covered with vegetation and an opening which revealed expansive views of the ocean.

‘It’s truly stunning,’ said Sara.

‘Thanks for helping, Sara, the spouses loved it!'

He laughed and continued,  'You made my job very easy.’

‘Steele,’ said Sara, ‘it was a pleasure, after all you’ve done.’

He held her close.

‘I’m sorry it can’t be different,’ she whispered. ‘You, me, Ric, your girlfriend. It is all so complicated.’

He turned and faced her. Placing his fingers against her lips he tenderly lifted a strand of hair from her eyes.

Cupping her face in his hands, he tilted his head and placed his lips on hers, kissing her for a long time.

She responded by placing her arms around his neck and obscured from view by the vegetation they kissed sweetly.

When they parted she gasped and held onto him. He wrapped both his arms around her. Stroking her hair and nuzzling his face against her neck, he whispered, ‘I’m falling for you.’

Resting on his chest, she listened to her head rather than her heart.

Abruptly breaking away, she said, ‘I have to go, the timing isn’t right.’

He held her at arm’s length and looking intently said, ‘Sara, the timing will never be right. Stay with me.’

Slowly shaking her head, she said, ‘No I have to go.’

Stumbling, she half ran, half walked towards the apartment.

Steele raced after her, calling out, ‘Ok, wait up. Ric will wonder what’s happening.’

He caught up to her and together they returned to the apartment.

I'd die to be with you tonight - TheRealMikeHeffernan

Australian singer - Jimmy Barnes (Cold Chisel)

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Running High - Chapter 19

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Running High - Chapter 17

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Write on Writing the Rapids


I am seeking regular contributors to Writing the Rapids while I continue writing stories.

Conceiving the ideas and story lines is sometimes the easy part. The effort comes on expanding characters and narratives and weaving webs of intrigue, drama, lust, romance, heartbreak and more into a story, so you the reader can feel as if you are truly riding the rapids, a thrilling and intoxicating ride, all the while traversing the inky landscape of surprise and intrigue.

If you're interested, pen me a message via and/or send through your contributions, word count up to 1,000 words.

Meanwhile, stay tuned at writing the rapids for the next chapter of Running High - coming soon.

American Authors - Best Day Of My Life

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Running High - Chapter 17

The days following were filled with workouts for Sara, running classes for the wives of foreign officials, with Ric’s local knowledge proving invaluable when he was asked to lead groups for the influx of visitors swelling the diplomatic community as the local guide fell ill.

Steele worked long days as the arrangements surrounding the Anzac 100th Anniversary celebrations tested him and his team. As well, the glare from the media, beaming coverage back to Australian shores while positive did throw a spotlight on Steele’s patch.

Ric and Sara never raised the issues which had surfaced that night. Instead, they got the intimacy they both needed through playful interactions. Sara teased Ric about his paunch belly and efforts to maintain his shape in the lead up to the race.

Ric took the teasing cheerfully and together they trained in the evenings.

The Anniversary celebrations culminated with a Gala Dinner event. Steele invited Sara to accompany him.

Thrilled as she was, Sara declined. Her decision not to join Steele was based more on her acute awareness of Ric’s sensitivities to what he perceived as a developing friendship between his good friend and her rather than any other single reason.

She knew Ric’s assumptions about her and Steele were correct but she denied her feelings, while knowing it was possible to love more than one person at the same time.

Ric and Sara attended as guests of the Charge De Affaire, sitting with expatriates who had connections with staff members at the Embassy.

Sara looked on at Steele’s table, wistful at what she felt was a lost opportunity. However she knew she had a debt to Ric as he had masterminded this entire journey for her visit to Istanbul as well as making her dream to race a reality.

She looked over at him, smiling as any resentment dissolved as he grabbed his stomach. Together they laughed and joked about running with a spare tyre.

With that the band erupted into its second set, covering the danceable Talking Heads hit, 'Take Me To the River,' as Sara and Ric both got their fun on, hitting the dance floor.

Talking Heads - Take me to the River

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Running High - Chapter 18

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Running High - Chapter 16